Visa Sponsored Jobs for International Students

FREE Access to 1000+ Opportunities in the UK

Student Circus is an award-winning job search platform designed specifically for international students in the UK. We've partnered with 75+ universities. Student Circus gives international students access to 1000+ pre-filtered VISA SPONSORED jobs, internships, graduate schemes, and jobs in home countries. Simply sign up using your student email ID and start applying.

In addition to the job portal, get access to several useful features that will make your job hunt easier and faster, like:

Immigration Guides: A simplified guide from our legal partners, Penningtons Manhes Cooper, to answer all your burning questions around immigration

CV Builder: Our CV Builder will help you customise your CV in different formats and styles according to different countries and requirements

Country Guides: Exclusive Country Career Guides to help you transition across different work cultures around the globe

Career Ignition Hub: The exclusive video resource for UK job readiness, highlighting insights from employers, graduates, and job market specialists



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